Fraiche Fruit DJ Workshop #2 - Absolute Beginners
Fraiche Fruit DJ Workshop #2 - Absolute Beginners
Fraiche Fruit Absolute Beginners Workshop - Sun 4th Aug 2019 - 7pm-9pm
The second of our Fraiche Fruit DJ workshops, aimed at womxn, queer and non-binary folk, will be catering for absolute beginners. A 2 hour workshop from 7-9pm in the basement of Dalston Superstore, to cover the very basic fundamentals of DJ-ing, specifically for those who have no prior experience behind the decks.
The workshop will cover the following:
The art of DJ-ing
Music Genres & BPM
Discussing different Equipment Set ups (and what's best for what)
CDJ (Basic Functions)
Mixer (Basic Functions)
Organising playlists & preparing your set
A Basic Beatmatch
Spaces are limited to Maximum 8 people for this session.
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